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Realidades - 1st Year by Prentice Hall Preliminary Chapter En la escuela to greet someone Introduction List Practice Quiz to ask and tell how someone is Introduction List Practice Quiz to say good-bye Introduction List Practice Quiz to tell time Introduction List Practice Quiz to count to 100 Spanish Numbers to talk about the body Introduction List Practice Body - Multi-Choice Quiz En la clase to talk about the classroom Introduction List Practice Classroom - Multi-Choice Quiz to say the days of the week Introduction List Practice Quiz to say the months of the year Months other useful words Introduction List Practice Quiz to ask for help Introduction List Practice Quiz El tiempo to talk about weather and seasons Introduction List Practice Quiz Answering Questions Answering Questions - Multi-Choice
Tema 1 - Chapter 1A to talk about activities Introduction List Practice Activities - Multi-Choice Quiz to say what you like and don't like to do Introduction List Practice Quiz other useful words Introduction List Practice Quiz Tema 1 - Chapter 1B to talk about what you and others are like Introduction List Practice Quiz to ask people about themselves and others Introduction List Practice Quiz to tell whom you are talking about Introduction List Practice Quiz other useful words Introduction List Practice Quiz Tema 1 - Grammar articles Practice Quiz adjective agreement Practice Quiz Building sentences Practice/Quiz
Tema 2 - Chapter 2A to talk about your school day Introduction List Practice Quiz to talk about the order of things Ordinal Numbers to talk about things you need for school To talk about things you need for school to describe your classes Introduction List Practice Quiz other useful words Introduction List Practice Quiz Tema 2 - Chapter 2B to talk about classroom items Introduction List Practice Quiz to talk about parts of a classroom To talk about parts of a classroom to indicate location Introduction List Practice Quiz other useful words other useful words Tema 2 - Grammar plurals of nouns Practice Quiz present tense ar verbs Practice Quiz Tema 3 - Chapter 3A to talk about breakfast Introduction List Practice Quiz to talk about lunch Introduction List Practice Quiz to talk about beverages Introduction List Practice Quiz other words Introduction List Practice Quiz Tema 3 - Chapter 3B to talk about food and beverages Introduction List Practice Quiz to discuss health Introduction List Practice Quiz other useful words other useful words Tema 3 - Grammar present tense er / ir verbs Practice Quiz Tema 4 - Chapter 4A to talk about leisure activities Introduction List Practice Quiz to talk about places Introduction List Practice Quiz to talk about when things are done Introduction List Practice Quiz other words Introduction List Practice Quiz Tema 4 - Chapter 4B to talk about leisure activities Introduction List Practice Quiz to describe how someone feels Introduction List Practice Quiz to tell what time something happens Introduction List Practice Quiz to extend, accept or decline invitations Introduction List Practice Quiz other useful words Introduction List Practice Quiz Tema 5 - Chapter 5A to talk about family members Introduction List Practice Quiz to describe activities at parties Introduction List Practice Quiz to discuss celebrations Introduction List Practice Quiz other useful words Introduction List Practice Quiz Tema 5 - Chapter 5B to describe people and things Introduction List Practice Quiz to talk about food Introduction List Practice Quiz to describe table settings Introduction List Practice Quiz other useful words Introduction List Practice Quiz Tema 6 - Chapter 6A to talk about things in a bedroom Introduction List Practice Quiz to talk about electronic equipment Introduction List Practice Quiz to talk about colors Introduction List Practice Quiz to describe something Introduction List Practice Quiz other useful words Introduction List Practice Quiz Tema 6 - Chapter 6B to talk about houses or apartments Introduction List Practice Quiz to name household chores Introduction List Practice Quiz other useful words Introduction List Practice Quiz Tema 7 - Chapter 7A to talk about shopping Introduction List Practice Quiz to talk about clothing Vocabulary to talk about prices Introduction List Practice Quiz other useful words Introduction List Practice Quiz Tema 7 - Chapter 7B to talk about places to shop to talk about gifts you might buy other useful words Tema 7 - Grammar Verb Usage - Present Tense Practice Quiz Numbers in hundreds Listen to 100's Listening Game This, that and those Practice Quiz Tema 8 - Chapter 8A to talk about places to visit things to do on vacation to talk about your vacation other useful words Tema 8 - Chapter 8B to talk about recycling