Spanish Flashcards

For common questions and answers, click here.

Free - large format World Language 5 Cs printable poster - .jpg format


Listen and Read

Readings with mp3's

La fábula de los tres hermanos

Coin Toss 50/50 Chance
Sí o no 50/50 Chance

Smartboard Activities Odds-n-Ends Roundrobin Classroom Flashcards Classroom openers

Whimsical Dialogues
Click Here

Classroom Cut-a-Part Puzzles
Click Here

Classroom Pairs activities
Basic Adjectives
Ser vs estar apuntes
Ser vs estar pairs activity
Superheroes picture for comparisons
Pairs activity - Comparisons (más que)

Abecedario - Spanish Alphabet

Introduction - Farm Animals
0100 - Farm animals - Multiple choice
Introduction - Woodland Animals
0105 - Woodland animals - Multiple choice
Introduction - Zoo Animals
0110 - Zoo animals - Multiple choice
Introduction - Insects and spiders
0115 - Insects and spiders - Multiple choice

0140 - Multiple Choice
0141 - Spelling
Game - Simon
Game - Flood Colors
More practice

Months of the Year
0125 - Spelling

Days of the Week
0128 - Spelling


Telling Time Listening

Introduction - 10 words
Introduction - 20 words
0320 - Multiple Choice
0321 - Spelling
More practice
Printable Pairs Activity

Introduction - 10 words
Introduction - 20 words
1050 - Multiple Choice
1048 - Spelling
1052 - Listening
1054 - Listening
More practice

Places - Lugares
Introduction - 10 words
Introduction - 20 words
0310 - Multiple Choice
0311 - Spelling

La ciudad
Vocabulary list
0312 - Multiple Choice

Prepositions of Place
1010 - Listening
1011 - Spelling

Transportation - Transportación
Introduction - 10 words
Introduction - 20 words
0316 - Multiple Choice
0317 - Spelling

Quehaceres - Chores
Introduction - 10 words
Introduction - 20 words
1082 - Multiple Choice
1084 - Listening (tenses)
More practice

Body Parts
Learn face vocabulary in Spanish
Body - Introduction
1060 - el cuerpo - Multi-Choice
1061 - el cuerpo - Spelling
1062 - el cuerpo - Spelling

5505 - Familia - Spelling
5506 - Familia Extendida - Spelling

Introduction - Set 1 - 10 words
Introduction - Set 1 - 20 words
0330 - Food - Set 1 - Multiple Choice
0331 - Food - Set 1 - Spelling

Introduction - Set 2 - 10 words
Introduction - Set 2 - 20 words
0334 - Food - Set 2 - Multiple Choice
0335 - Food - Set 2 - Spelling

Introduction - Set 3 - 10 words
Introduction - Set 3 - 20 words
0338 - Food - Set 3 - Multiple Choice
0339 - Food - Set 3 - Spelling

Fruits and Vegetables
Introduction - 10 words
Introduction - 20 words
0341 - Multiple Choice
Printable Pairs Activity

Around the house
Vocabulary list - Set 1
Introduction - 20 words
5100 - QUIZ 1 (alrededor de la casa)
Vocabulary list - Set 2
Introduction - 20 words
5101 - QUIZ 2 (alrededor de la casa)
5104 - QUIZ 3 (alrededor de la casa - 40 words)

School and Office
Introduction - 10 words
0360 - Multiple Choice - 10 words
0361 - Spelling - 10 pictures
0362 - Spelling - 10 words
Introduction - 20 words
0363 - Multiple Choice - 20 words
0364 - Spelling - 20 pictures
0365 - Spelling - 20 words

5750 - Nationalities - Spelling

Introduction - 10 words
Introduction - 20 words
5600 - Basic - Spelling
5601 - Advanced - Spelling
5603 - All weather spelling
5602 - Multiple Choice 1
5604 - Mulitiple Choice 2

Time Expressions
5500 - Quiz 1 - Time Expressions
5501 - Quiz 2 - Time Expressions
5502 - Quiz 3 - All Time Expressions

Question Words
Answering Questions - Multi-Choice
0480 - Forming questions using dónde
0481 - Forming questions using quién
0488 - Making questions - All mixed

Tener Expressions
5700 - Tener Expressions

Las formas - shapes
Vocabulary list

Los adjetivos - Adjectives
2000 - Los adjetivos - Spelling and agreement
More practice

Professions 1
Vocabulary list - Set 1
Introduction - 20 words
5404 - Spelling with pictures
Professions 2
Vocabulary list - Set 2
Introduction - 20 words
5401 - Spelling
5403 - Spelling (40 professions)

Los materiales
5300 - Spelling - Los materiales

Verbs as Vocabulary
Introduction - Set 1 - 10 words
Introduction - Set 1 - 20 words
5000 - QUIZ 1 (verbos comunes)
5001 - QUIZ 2 (verbos comunes)
5200 - Verbs that can be acted out
5201 - Verbs that can be acted out
5202 - Verbs as vocabulary
5203 - Verbs as vocabulary
9309 - Verbs (synonyms)
9310 - Verbs (synonyms)
5800 - Verbs (amor y amistad)

Aventuras Literarias
These stories were published in the book "Aventuras Literarias"

9130 - Vocabulary - El zorro que se hace el muerto

This story is available free of charge at
9132 - Vocabulary - Los deseos

9134 - Vocabulary - Una carta a Dios

This story is available free of charge at
9136 - Vocabulary - Con los ojos cerrados

This story is available free of charge at
9138 - Vocabulary - Ultimo acto

Realidades 1st Year
Click here for Realidades 1 Realidades 2nd Year
Click here for Realidades 2 Enfoques
Click here for Enfoques

YouTube Videos

Abecedario - Spanish Alphabet

Me encantan las manzanas.

Mi casa limpia.

¿Qué haces en tu tiempo libre?

Buenos Días

Señor Wooly - Puedo ir al baño video

Puedo ir al baño song

Learn face vocabulary in Spanish

Verbs as vocabulary
Verb Tenses Grammar Ordering Sentences Articles Possessive Pronouns Iba a - I was going to Passive Voice