Spanish Flashcards

For common questions and answers, click here.

Free - large format World Language 5 Cs printable poster - .jpg format


Listen and Read

Readings with mp3's

La fábula de los tres hermanos

Coin Toss 50/50 Chance
Sí o no 50/50 Chance

Smartboard Activities

Smartboard Verb Conjugating Game
Piggy Bank - Click Here

Smartboard Game to help build sentence structure
Guess - Click here

Smartboard Flyswatter Game
Flyswatter - Click here

Smartboard Game - Sopa de letras
Sopa - Click here

Smartboard Game - Blind Luck
Blind Luck - Click here

Smartboard Game - Which one is hidden?
Click Here

Smartboard Guess the Word (Hangman) Game
Click Here

Smartboard Tingo Tango
Click Here

Smartboard Subjunctive Activity (Doubt and Denial)
Click Here

Smartboard Activity - ¿Qué es?
Click Here

Smartboard numbers Race
Click here

Smartboard vocabulary Race
Click here

Smartboard Ordinal Numbers Game
Click Here

Dímelo Smartboard Game
Click Here

Click here


Pics for classroom use - Realidades 2
Click here

Roundrobin Classroom Flashcards
Present Indicative
Present Indicative Stem-Change (Difficult verbs)
Basic preterite
Preterite Irregulars
El Presente Perfecto

Classroom openers
tener expressions
hace que - present tense (have been)
hace que - preterite tense (ago)
Farm animales and dar de comer
Gustar with food
Comparisons 2
Direct Object Pronouns
Ir in the preterite with places
Algo vs Nada
Alguien vs Nadie
Pedir (pret) con papas
Possession: ser + de
Possessive Pronouns
Prepositions of place / la ciudad
Prepositions of place / animales
Prepositions of place / frutas
Prepositions of place / bathroom
Places and telling time
Preterite verb forms 1
Preterite verb forms 2
Preterite verb forms 3
Preterite verb forms 4
Imperfect tense
Imperfect tense with chores
Iba a comer
Interrupted actions - Pret / Imp
Demonstrative Adjectives
Demonstrative Adjectives #2
El presente progresivo
Querer with school supplies
Future with ir - Voy a comer
Soler - usually
Telling time and basic verbs
Weather and clothing
Ropa - Clothing
Practice basic verbs 1
Practice basic verbs 2
Ser / Estar / Haber
Cuántas vs. cuánto
Ordinal Numbers
Direct Object Pronouns
Indirect Object Pronouns
Years and dates

Whimsical Dialogues
Click Here

Classroom Cut-a-Part Puzzles
Click Here

Classroom Pairs activities
Basic Adjectives
Ser vs estar apuntes
Ser vs estar pairs activity
Superheroes picture for comparisons
Pairs activity - Comparisons (más que)

Abecedario - Spanish Alphabet

Introduction - Farm Animals
0100 - Farm animals - Multiple choice
Introduction - Woodland Animals
0105 - Woodland animals - Multiple choice
Introduction - Zoo Animals
0110 - Zoo animals - Multiple choice
Introduction - Insects and spiders
0115 - Insects and spiders - Multiple choice

0140 - Multiple Choice
0141 - Spelling
Game - Simon
Game - Flood Colors
More practice

Months of the Year
0125 - Spelling

Days of the Week
0128 - Spelling


Telling Time Listening

Introduction - 10 words
Introduction - 20 words
0320 - Multiple Choice
0321 - Spelling
More practice
Printable Pairs Activity

Introduction - 10 words
Introduction - 20 words
1050 - Multiple Choice
1048 - Spelling
1052 - Listening
1054 - Listening
More practice

Places - Lugares
Introduction - 10 words
Introduction - 20 words
0310 - Multiple Choice
0311 - Spelling

La ciudad
Vocabulary list
0312 - Multiple Choice
Printable Bingo Cards

Prepositions of Place
1010 - Listening
1011 - Spelling

Transportation - Transportación
Introduction - 10 words
Introduction - 20 words
0316 - Multiple Choice
0317 - Spelling

Quehaceres - Chores
Introduction - 10 words
Introduction - 20 words
1082 - Multiple Choice
1080 - Spelling
1084 - Listening (tenses)
More practice

Body Parts
Learn face vocabulary in Spanish
Body - Introduction
1060 - el cuerpo - Multi-Choice
1061 - el cuerpo - Spelling
1062 - el cuerpo - Spelling

5505 - Familia - Spelling
5506 - Familia Extendida - Spelling

Introduction - Set 1 - 10 words
Introduction - Set 1 - 20 words
0330 - Food - Set 1 - Multiple Choice
0331 - Food - Set 1 - Spelling

Introduction - Set 2 - 10 words
Introduction - Set 2 - 20 words
0334 - Food - Set 2 - Multiple Choice
0335 - Food - Set 2 - Spelling

Introduction - Set 3 - 10 words
Introduction - Set 3 - 20 words
0338 - Food - Set 3 - Multiple Choice
0339 - Food - Set 3 - Spelling

Fruits and Vegetables
Introduction - 10 words
Introduction - 20 words
0341 - Multiple Choice
Printable Pairs Activity

Around the house
Vocabulary list - Set 1
Introduction - 20 words
5100 - QUIZ 1 (alrededor de la casa)
Vocabulary list - Set 2
Introduction - 20 words
5101 - QUIZ 2 (alrededor de la casa)
5104 - QUIZ 3 (alrededor de la casa - 40 words)

School and Office
Introduction - 10 words
0360 - Multiple Choice - 10 words
0361 - Spelling - 10 pictures
0362 - Spelling - 10 words
Introduction - 20 words
0363 - Multiple Choice - 20 words
0364 - Spelling - 20 pictures
0365 - Spelling - 20 words

5750 - Nationalities - Spelling

Introduction - 10 words
Introduction - 20 words
5600 - Basic - Spelling
5601 - Advanced - Spelling
5603 - All weather spelling
5602 - Multiple Choice 1
5604 - Mulitiple Choice 2

Time Expressions
5500 - Quiz 1 - Time Expressions
5501 - Quiz 2 - Time Expressions
5502 - Quiz 3 - All Time Expressions

Question Words
Answering Questions - Multi-Choice
0480 - Forming questions using dónde
0481 - Forming questions using quién
0488 - Making questions - All mixed

Tener Expressions
5700 - Tener Expressions

Las formas - shapes
Vocabulary list

Los adjetivos - Adjectives
2000 - Los adjetivos - Spelling and agreement
More practice

Professions 1
Vocabulary list - Set 1
Introduction - 20 words
5404 - Spelling with pictures
Professions 2
Vocabulary list - Set 2
Introduction - 20 words
5401 - Spelling
5403 - Spelling (40 professions)

Los materiales
5300 - Spelling - Los materiales

Verbs as Vocabulary
Introduction - Set 1 - 10 words
Introduction - Set 1 - 20 words
Verbs - Basic - Multi-Choice
5000 - QUIZ 1 (verbos comunes)
5001 - QUIZ 2 (verbos comunes)
5200 - Verbs that can be acted out
5201 - Verbs that can be acted out
5202 - Verbs as vocabulary
5203 - Verbs as vocabulary
9309 - Verbs (synonyms)
9310 - Verbs (synonyms)
5800 - Verbs (amor y amistad)

Aventuras Literarias
These stories were published in the book "Aventuras Literarias"

9130 - Vocabulary - El zorro que se hace el muerto

This story is available free of charge at
9132 - Vocabulary - Los deseos

9134 - Vocabulary - Una carta a Dios

This story is available free of charge at
9136 - Vocabulary - Con los ojos cerrados

This story is available free of charge at
9138 - Vocabulary - Ultimo acto

Realidades 1st Year
Click here for Realidades 1

Realidades 2nd Year
Click here for Realidades 2

Click here for Enfoques

YouTube Videos

Abecedario - Spanish Alphabet

Me encantan las manzanas.

Mi casa limpia.

¿Qué haces en tu tiempo libre?

Buenos Días

Señor Wooly - Puedo ir al baño video

Puedo ir al baño song

Learn face vocabulary in Spanish

Verbs as vocabulary

Verbs - Colección 3
Vocabulary list
Introduction - 20 words - Verbs 3
8100 - Verbs 3 - Multiple choice
5221 - Verbs 3 - el presente indicativo (con fotos)
5222 - Verbs 3 - el pretérito (con fotos)
5223 - Verbs 3 - el presente del subjuntivo (con fotos)
5224 - Verbs 3 - el presente perfecto (con fotos)

Verbs - Colección 4
Vocabulary list
5230 - Verbs 4 - el presente indicativo (con fotos)
5231 - Verbs 4 - el pretérito (con fotos)
5233 - Verbs 4 - el presente del subjuntivo (con fotos)
5234 - Verbs 4 - el presente perfecto (con fotos)
5235 - Verbs 4 - preterite vs imperfect (con fotos)

Verbs - Colección 5
Vocabulary list
5241 - Verbs 5 - el presente indicativo (con fotos)
5242 - Verbs 5 - el pretérito (con fotos)
5243 - Verbs 5 - el presente del subjuntivo (con fotos)
5244 - Verbs 5 - el presente perfecto (con fotos)

Verbs - Colección 6
Vocabulary list
5251 - Verbs 6 - el presente indicativo (con fotos)
5252 - Verbs 6 - el pretérito (con fotos)
5255 - Verbs 6 - preterite vs imperfect (con fotos)
Classroom roundrobin - Preterite

Verbs - Colección 7
Vocabulary list
5261 - Verbs 7 - el presente indicativo (con fotos)
5262 - Verbs 7 - el pretérito (con fotos)
5263 - Verbs 7 - el presente del subjuntivo (con fotos)
5264 - Verbs 7 - el presente perfecto (con fotos)
5265 - Verbs 7 - preterite vs imperfect (con fotos)
Printable Bingo Cards
Verb Tenses
Practice Verb tenses

Practice Reflexive Verbs
Practice Stem-change Verbs
Practice Preterite Verbs
Practice Subjunctive Mood
Practice Present Perfect Verbs

Listening for verb tenses
Listening for Verb Tenses

Click here

Muy vs. Mucho
Ser o Estar
Demonstrative Adjectives
Por o Para
Object Pronouns
Saber o Conocer
el pretérito vs el imperfecto

Ordering sentences
1049 - Clothes - Ropa
1086 - Chores - Quehaceres
1104 - Adjective Agreement
1304 - Negative Words
3011 - Double Pronouns
3225 - Gustar and similar verbs

0050 - Definite and Indefinite Articles

Possessive Pronouns
3035 - Possessive Pronouns

Iba a - I was going to
3506 - Iba a leer pero no pude

Passive Voice
3200 - Active to Passive Voice
3210 - Passive to Active Voice
3220 - Passive se