Whimsical Dialogues for Upper Level Classes


On Monday, give the students the English dialogue. Do not give them the Spanish version.

Each day, put the Spanish example on the smartboard before the students have practiced.

Working with different students every day of the week, the students should first read the Spanish version out loud to each other.

When everyone has finished acting out (reading aloud) the Spanish example, the Spanish example should be removed from the smartboard.

In the same groupings, students now should try to reenact the conversation following the English dialogue.

At the end of the week put the Spanish example on the smartboard. The Spanish enactment (mp3) can be played while the students read along.

Taking it further:

Challenge students to continue the dialogue each day as they practice speaking.

Have students write a continuation of the dialogue or create a story around it.

Students can write a 5 question quiz based on the dialogue.

Tell students to draw a storyboard based on the dialogue and describe it to the class using Spanish.

Allow students to create a video based on the dialogue.


These files are free to use as long as you are a member of this site.

These files cannot be reposted or distributed without permission.

Downloads (right click, save file as, to download):

At the pool Word doc
At the pool mp3

At a restaurant Word doc
At a restaurant mp3

A great day for a picnic Word doc
A great day for a picnic mp3

At the library Word doc
At the library mp3

At a pet store Word doc
At a pet store mp3

At a zoo Word doc
At a zoo mp3

Disneyland Word doc
Disneyland mp3

What! A volcano Word doc
What! A volcano! mp3

Riding in a car with a friend Word doc
Riding in a car with a friend mp3