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thumb Storyboard - Jorge es un buen cocinero Suggested basic storyline Extra reading
thumb A Pepe le gusta jugar al béisbol Suggested basic storyline Vocabulary list to help students retell the story
thumb Storyboard - Queremos plantar un árbol Suggested basic storyline Extra reading
thumb Storyboard - El mesero Manuel Suggested basic storyline Extra reading
thumb Storyboard - La cita poca romántica Suggested basic storyline Extra reading
thumb Storyboard - El día del tiburón Suggested basic storyline Extra reading
thumb Storyboard - El regalo Suggested basic storyline
thumb Storyboard - El saltamontes Suggested basic storyline
thumb Storyboard - El zoológico Suggested basic storyline
thumb Storyboard - La decepción Suggested basic storyline
thumb Storyboard - Los dientes Suggested basic storyline
thumb Storyboard - El muñeco de nieve Suggested basic storyline
thumb Storyboard - Ir de picnic Suggested basic storyline
thumb Storyboard - No puede dormir Suggested basic storyline
thumb Storyboard - El día torpe Suggested basic storyline
thumb Storyboard - Bucear Suggested basic storyline
thumb Storyboard - Alergias Suggested basic storyline