Sopa de Letras Smartboard Game

Teams compete trying to think of Spanish words.


Students want to be the first to think and say a Spanish word.

A letter of the alphabet will randomly be chosen.

A point is earned by the fastest team that can think of a Spanish word that begins with the letter on the screen.

How this works:

The class should be divided into teams. (2 or 3 works best)

A player from each team stands up. A letter is randomly shown on the smartboard. The players standing want to be the first to think of a Spanish word that begins with the letter. If they are the first to say a correct word, their team scores a point.

Keep track of team scores on a whiteboard.


More than 30 letters of the alphabet (some repeat). Once a word is used it can't be used again when the letter repeats.

Categories 1

12 themes (frutas, ropa, animales, verbos, colores, meses, días, verduras, postres, cuartos de la casa, partes del cuerpo, adjectivos). Students must be the first to say a Spanish word that fits the category. Categories will be randomly chosen (They repeat). After 30 plus answers the game will end. If you want a longer game, refresh the screen to continue. Once a word is used, it can't be used again when the category repeats.

Categories 2

20 themes (frutas, ropa, animales, verbos, colores, meses, días, verduras, postres, cuartos de la casa, partes del cuerpo, adjectivos, profesiones, carnes, algo que lees, algo transparente, quehaceres, deportes, muebles). Students must be the first to say a Spanish word that fits the category. Categories will be randomly chosen (They repeat). After 30 plus answers the game will end. If you want a longer game, refresh the screen to continue. Once a word is used, it can't be used again when the category repeats.

Verb tenses

6 verb tenses (el presente, el present progresivo, el pretérito, el imperfecto, el futuro, el condicional). Students can use any verb but they must conjugate it in the tense that appears on the screen. To simplify things, the teacher can also specify the same subject (yo for example) for every answer. The verb tenses will be randomly chosen (They repeat). After 30 plus answers the game will end. If you want a longer game, refresh the screen to continue.