Realidades 2nd Year - Chapters 1-7

Tema 1

Practice Pages

Page 1 (adjective agreement)
Page 2 (vocabulary Tema 1A)
Page 3 (vocabulary Tema 1A)
Page 4 (vocabulary review)
Page 6 (vocabulary Tema 1A)
Page 7 (using siempre)
Page 8 (using nunca)
Page 9 (negative and affirmative words)
Page 10 (negative and affirmative words)
Page 11 (Vocabulary 1B)
Page 12 (Vocabulary 1B)
Page 13 (Vocabulary 1B)
Page 14 (Vocabulary 1B)
Page 15 (Vocabulary)
Page 16 (Vocabulary)
Page 17 (Vocabulary)
Page 18 (Adjectives)
Page 19 (Adjectives)
Page 20 (Adjectives)
Page 21 (Adjectives)
Page 22 (Vocabulary (Verbs))
Page 23 (comparisons)
Page 24 (comparisons)
Page 25 (comparisons)
Page 26 (superlatives)
Page 27 (comparisons)
Page 28 (comparisons)

Vocabulary Practice and Quizzes

V2101 - QUIZ 1A (to talk about what you do in class)
V2102 - QUIZ 1A (to talk about classroom rules)
V2103 - QUIZ 1A (to name school objects)
V2104 - QUIZ 1A (other useful words)
V2105 - QUIZ 1B (to talk about extracurricular activities)
V2106 - QUIZ 1B (to talk about music and drama)
V2107 - QUIZ 1B (to talk about actions with activities)
V2108 - QUIZ 1B (other useful words)


1100 - Dictation (Basic Adjectives)
1125 - Dictation (Hace que)
1300 - Dictation (Negative Words)
1302 - Dictation (Negative Words - Nadie)

Verb Tense Practice and Quizzes

1000 - QUIZ - Verbs (Present Tense Indicative Verbs -ar, -er, -ir)
1110 - QUIZ - Verbs (Saber or Conocer)

Tema 2

Practice Pages

Page 1 (to talk about things you need to get ready)
Page 2 (to talk about getting ready)
Page 3 (vocabulary Tema 2A)
Page 4 (vocabulary review)
Page 5 (vocabulary review)
Page 6 (to talk about getting ready)
Page 7 (using rápidamente)
Page 8 (vocabulary review)
Page 9 (reflexive verbs)
Page 10 (reflexive verbs)
Page 11 (reflexive verbs)
Page 12 (reflexive verbs)
Page 13 (reflexive verbs)
Page 14 (reflexive verbs)
Page 15 (reflexive verbs)
Page 20 (-ar preterite verbs)
Page 21 (-ar preterite verbs)
Page 22 (-ar preterite verbs)
Page 23 (-er/-ir preterite verbs)
Page 24 (-er/-ir preterite verbs)
Page 25 (-er/-ir preterite verbs)
Page 26 (preterite verbs)
Page 27 (preterite verbs)
Page 28 (preterite verbs)
Page 29 (preterite verbs)
Page 31 (preterite verbs)

Ser or Estar

p.01 - Practice the forms of the verb ser
p.02 - Practice the forms of the verb estar
p.03 - Ser or estar?
p.04 - Ser or estar?
p.05 - Ser or estar?
p.06 - Ser or estar?
p.07 - Ser or estar?
p.08 - Ser or estar?
p.09 - Ser or estar?
p.10 - Ser or estar?
p.11 - Ser or estar?

Page 41 (demonstrative adjectives)
Page 42 (demonstrative adjectives)
Page 43 (demonstrative adjectives)
Page 44 (demonstrative adjectives)
Page 45 (demonstrative adjectives)
Page 46 (vocabulario - Tema 2B)
Page 47 (vocabulario - Tema 2B)
Page 48 (vocabulario - Tema 2B)
Page 49 (vocabulario - Tema 2B)
Page 50 (vocabulario - Tema 2B)
Page 51 (vocabulario - Tema 2B)
Page 52 (vocabulario - Tema 2B)

Vocabulary Practice and Quizzes

V2201 - QUIZ 2A (to talk about getting ready)
V2202 - QUIZ 2A (to talk about things you need to get ready)
V2203 - QUIZ 2A (other useful words)
V2205 - QUIZ 2B (to talk about colors)
V2206 - QUIZ 2B (to describe what clothing is made of)
V2207 - QUIZ 2B (to discuss paying for purchases)
V2208 - QUIZ 2B (to discuss clothing purchases)
V2209 - QUIZ 2B (other useful words)
1048 - QUIZ (Spelling - ropa)
1050 - QUIZ (Multiple Choice - ropa)


1185 - QUIZ - Listening 1 (Present Indicative Reflexive Verbs)
1186 - QUIZ - Listening 2 (Present Indicative Reflexive Verbs)
1187 - QUIZ - Listening 3 (Present Indicative Reflexive Verbs)
1052 - QUIZ - Listening (Ropa)
1054 - QUIZ - Listening (Ropa)
1056 - QUIZ - Listening (Ropa)
2535 - QUIZ - Listening 1 (Preterite)


1325 - Dictation (Reflexive verbs)

Verb Tense Practice and Quizzes

1180 - QUIZ 1 - Verbs (Present Indicative Reflexive Verbs)
1182 - QUIZ 2 - Verbs (Present Indicative Reflexive Verbs - Infinitive vs. Conjugated)
2520 - QUIZ - Verbs (Preterite)
2522 - QUIZ 2 - Verbs (Preterite)
0300 - QUIZ - Verbs (Ser or Estar)
More ser and estar practice (Ser or Estar)

Tema 3

Practice Pages

Page 1 (vocabulary)
Page 2 (vocabulary)
Page 3 (vocabulary)
Page 4 (vocabulary)
Page 5 (vocabulary)
Page 6 (vocabulary)
Page 7 (tener que)
Page 8 (vocabulary)
Page 9 (vocabulary)
Page 10 (verbs)
Page 11 (the verb ir in the preterite)
Page 12 (the verb ir in the preterite)
Page 13 (the verb ir in the preterite)
Page 14 (the verb quedarse)
Page 15 (using todavía)
Page 20 (Direct Object Pronouns)
Page 21 (Direct Object Pronouns)
Page 22 (Direct Object Pronouns)
Page 23 (Direct Object Pronouns)
Page 24 (Direct Object Pronouns)
Page 25 (Direct Object Pronouns)
Page 26 (Direct Object Pronouns with Infinitives)
Page 27 (Direct Object Pronouns with Infinitives)
Page 28 (Preterite of ir, poder, tener, estar)
Page 29 (Preterite of ir, poder, tener, estar)
Page 30 (Preterite of ir, poder, tener, estar)
Page 31 (Preterite of ir, poder, tener, estar)
Page 32 (Preterite of ir, poder, tener, estar)
Page 33 (Preterite of ir, poder, tener, estar)
Page 34 (Vocabulary)
Page 35 (Vocabulary)
Page 36 (Vocabulary)
Page 37 (Irregular preterite verbs)
Page 38 (Irregular preterite verbs)
Page 39 (Vocabulary)
Page 40 (Vocabulary)
Page 42 (Vocabulary)
Page 43 (Vocabulary)
Page 44 (Vocabulary)
Page 45 (Vocabulary)
Page 46 (Vocabulary)
Page 47 (Vocabulary)
Page 48 (Direct Object Pronouns)
Page 49 (Direct Object Pronouns)
Page 50 (Direct Object Pronouns)
Page 51 (Present Progressive)
Page 52 (Present Progressive)
Page 53 (Present Progressive)
Page 54 (Present Progressive)
Page 55 (Present Progressive)
Page 56 (Present Progressive)

Vocabulary Practice and Quizzes

V2301 - QUIZ 3A (to talk about places in a community)
V2302 - QUIZ 3A (to talk about mail)
V2303 - QUIZ 3A (to talk about items in a sporting-goods store)
V2304 - QUIZ 3A (to talk about pharmacy products)
V2305 - QUIZ 3A (to talk about errands)
V2306 - QUIZ 3A (other useful words)
V2307 - QUIZ 3B (to talk about driving)
V2308 - QUIZ 3B(to give and receive driving advice)
V2309 - QUIZ 3B (to ask for and give directions)
1080 - QUIZ (quehaceres - spelling)
1082 - QUIZ (quehaceres - multiple choice)


1084 - QUIZ - Listening (When chores happen)
2910 - QUIZ - Listening(Direct Object Pronouns)
1291 - QUIZ - Listening to verb tenses(When actions take place)


1090 - Dictation (Quehaceres)
2912 - Dictation (Direct Object Pronouns)
2920 - Dictation (Preterite of ir)
1305 - Dictation (Present progressive)

Verb Tense Practice and Quizzes

2525 - QUIZ - Verbs (Preterite of ir)
2526 - QUIZ - Verbs (Preterite of estar, poder, tener, ir)
1290 - QUIZ - Verbs (Present progressive)


3050 - QUIZ 1 (Direct Object Pronouns)
3051 - QUIZ 2 (Direct Object Pronouns)
3052 - QUIZ 3 (Direct Object Pronouns)
3053 - QUIZ 4 (Direct Object Pronouns - me, te, nos)
0500 - QUIZ (Affirmative tú commands)
0503 - QUIZ (Affirmative and negative tú commands)

Tema 4

Practice Pages

Page 1 (Vocabulary)
Page 2 (Vocabulary)
Page 3 (Vocabulary)
Page 4 (Vocabulary)
Page 5 (Vocabulary)
Page 6 (Vocabulary)
Page 7 (Vocabulary)
Page 8 (Vocabulary)
Page 9 (Vocabulary)
Page 10 (el imperfecto)
Page 11 (el imperfecto)
Page 12 (el imperfecto)
Page 13 (el imperfecto)
Page 14 (el imperfecto)
Page 15 (el imperfecto)

Vocabulary Practice and Quizzes

V2401 - QUIZ 4A (to name toys)
V2402 - QUIZ 4A (to explain your actions)
V2403 - QUIZ 4A (to describe what someone was like)
V2404 - QUIZ 4A (other useful words)
V2405 - QUIZ 4B (to talk about manners and customs)
V2406 - QUIZ 4B (to talk about people)
V2407 - QUIZ 4B (to talk about special events)
V2408 - QUIZ 4B (to discuss the past)

Tema 5

Vocabulary Practice and Quizzes

V2501 - QUIZ 5A (to talk about natural disasters and weather extremes)
V2502 - QUIZ 5A(to discuss the news)
V2503 - QUIZ 5A (to talk about fires)
V2504 - QUIZ 5A (to discuss rescues)
V2505 - QUIZ 5A (to tell a story)
V2507 - QUIZ 5B (to talk about treatments for medical conditions)
V2509 - QUIZ 5B (to explain how an accident occurred)
V2511 - QUIZ 5B (to name parts of the body)


2539 - Preterite - Present Progressive - Future using voy a (Realidades Tema 5A)
2540 - Preterite - Present Progressive - Future using voy a (Realidades Tema 5B)


7000 - Dictation (Realidades Tema 5A)
7001 - Dictation (Realidades Tema 5B)

Tema 6

Vocabulary Practice and Quizzes

V2601 - QUIZ 6A (to talk about a sporting event)
V2603 - QUIZ 6A (to talk about a contest)
V2605 - QUIZ 6A (to talk about how you feel)
V2607 - QUIZ 6B (to talk about movies)
V2609 - QUIZ 6B (to talk about making movies)


2545 - Preterite - Present Progressive - Future using voy a (Realidades Tema 6A)
2546 - Preterite - Present Progressive - Future using voy a (Realidades Tema 6B)


7002 - Dictation (Realidades Tema 6A)
7003 - Dictation (Realidades Tema 6B)

Tema 7

Vocabulary Practice and Quizzes

V2701 - QUIZ 7A (to name foods and items in the kitchen)
V2703 - QUIZ 7A (to follow a recipe)
V2705 - QUIZ 7A (to talk about food preparation)
V2707 - QUIZ 7B (to talk about the outdoors)
V2709 - QUIZ 7B (to talk about eating outdoors)
V2711 - QUIZ 7B (to talk about foods)
V2713 - QUIZ 7B (to describe foods and the outdoors)

Tema 8

Vocabulary Practice and Quizzes

V2801 - QUIZ 8A (to talk about making travel plans)
V2803 - QUIZ 8A (to talk about airports)