Lecturitas I (by Guerra Publishing) is a great economical tool for teachers. It has short
classroom reproducible readings for early levels of Spanish learning. The vocabulary
practice found on this website comes from the readings on the following pages.
(27,28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 35, 36) Here is a suggested list of vocabulary to teach your students
before doing the readings. I use actions with vocabulary so I'm including some suggested
actions to help teach the vocabulary.
el payaso - make a big red nose with your hand
el circo - draw a circus tent in the air
el paraguas - open and hold an umbrella above you
el granjero - One thumb in your suspenders and the other hand holds a pitchfork
la granja - drive a tractor
la vaca - milk the cow by hand
la gallina - do the chicken dance
el caballo - ride a stick horse
el pájaro - flap your arms
el comedero - hang the birdfeeder in a tree
las semillas - broadcast the seeds by hand
el espantapájaros - pretend you're a scarecrow
la abeja - make a buzzing noise
la cera - wax the car
rebotar - dribble an imaginary basketball
chistoso - make a funny face
el elefante - make the elephant's truck with your arms
el chango - scratch your sides
el cochino - push up your nose
el lodo - scrape the mud off your hands